Happy Birthday
As you probably know today is my 19th
birthday. So you can imagine since you have a facebook that I received a great
deal of birthday related posts on my timeline. With all of these posts I
wondered which ones I should comment on, which ones should I like, and which
ones should I ignore. The answer was pretty simple after looking through them
and yes I actually read all of them even though it was more than a 100 the
timeline makes it really easy to see the posts.
The ones I commented
on were the ones that were actually amusing and that I can see the person who
posts it actually value our friendship and took the time to come up with a post
that I actually wanted to read. I simply liked the ones where a person called
me a nickname or added something to the message that made it mean something. I
ignored the generic ones where all they wrote was “happy birthday” because it
made me feel as though they just happened to look on the side of their screen
and then post out of obligation. I know this happens because people who have
not talked to me since I graduated high school left their generic posts.
It made me wonder why people do this. It does not make me
feel loved to see that so many posted on my timeline meaningless words that
have been repeated for the last 40 people it is just annoying. If you are going
to take up space on my newsfeed make it worthwhile or do not post anything at
all. It is only 7 and the words happy birthday have already lost all meaning to
me and if anybody else posts it on my timeline I will be upset. The worse thing
is when a close friend posts something generic and it makes e wish they did not
post anything at all if that is all they have to say to me. The next time you
see it is someone’s birthday on facebook please come up with something more
clever than “happy birthday”.
I know what your talking about when you say that the normal "happy birthday" is very generic. But I don't think that eveyone who posts with the unoriginal 2 words is necessarily doing it out of obligation. I mean if most of them are people that you do not talk to pn a regular basis they probably do not feel much obligation. Maybe they just wanted to take a couple seconds to let you know. Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday girl, hope you live it up this weekend!