Friday, February 17, 2012

Image is everything

                Image is everything
                If I had a nickel for every time someone told me to watch how I represent myself I would be rich by now. It seems like now a day all people care about is your outside appearance. Now that facebook, twitter, and other social media sites are very popular the way you present yourself is very important. Employers look on your facebook to try and gage what type of person you are by the pictures you post and this can have a major impact on your future. I take a lot of pictures that can be viewed as inappropriate because there is a red cup in the background and someone looks slightly intoxicated those pictures stay off the internet. When I entered college I learned the tell-tell signs of partiers and how to present myself so that I to won’t be seen that way.
                When I was a senior in high school I was in a program with the District Atorney’s office and I remember hearing about a case where a guy was found guilty because he posted pictures showing himself with the deceased. That example is extreme. But you never know who is looking at your facebook and how they will view the information seen. Now that I am in a sorority that is really true Panhell the organization which is in charge of all sororities keep an eye out for statuses and pictures that depict Greeks in a negative light so whenever a frat has a party they hid there letters in case someone takes a drunken picture they won’t look bad.
                My facebook as many others is now slightly fake. I hide things about myself due to the image it might present and when we was discussing the fakeness that ethos creates it made me laugh because of this.


  1. I wouldn't say that your Facebook is now "fake". You are hiding these images for the greater benefit of your future and I believe that that doesn't present a "fake" side of you, but represents your better self.

  2. Your right, image is of great importance in society now. In a way I do not think that is anything new, instead I think this issue is just magnified because of social media.

  3. It's funny because I was just talking about this with some friends the other day. I set my privacy settings so that I have to approve any pictures before I can be tagged in them. The internet is an interesting thing because through networks like Facebook, we have the ability to make this portrait of exactly how we want to be seen. With employers checking Facebook now, it's definitely a good idea to represent your better self like Katie said.
